Exam 70-561: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Application Development Curriculum Outline
Getting Started With ADO.NET Connections and Commands
ADO.NET allows developers to create applications that are driven by data and services. This course identifies the various ways to manage ADO.NET connections and also details how to access data by using command objects and the DataReader object. Specific topics covered in the course include and introduction to ADO.NET, defining ADO.NET Connection objects, managing connections with Visual Basic 2008, and using ADO.NET command objects and DataReaders. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561. Passing this exam will earn the learner credit towards the MCTS: .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Applications certification.
Target Audience
All organizations or individual consultants who are building or intend to build .NET Framework 3.5 applications with ADO.NET, Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Basic 2008; corporate employees, consultants, and university or college students who are preparing for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561.
Thorough knowledge of software-development concepts and the process of building business applications; experience building data applications with the Microsoft .NET Framework; working experience of Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic 2008, and ADO.NET 3.5.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Getting Started With ADO.NET Connections and Commands
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Managing ADO.NET Connections and Commands with VB 2008
ADO.NET connections and commands are crucial components of building data-driven applications. This course examines managing connections using connection pools and configuration files, as well as stored procedures, and using generic data-access code to establish a connection. Specific topics covered include optimizing ADO.NET connections and commands, ADO.NET transactions, and working with Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) and asynchronous commands. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561. Passing this exam will earn the learner credit towards the MCTS: .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Applications certification.
Target Audience
All organizations or individual consultants who are building or intend to build .NET Framework 3.5 applications with ADO.NET, Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Basic 2008; corporate employees, consultants, and university or college students who are preparing for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561.
Thorough knowledge of software-development concepts and the process of building business applications; experience building data applications with the Microsoft .NET Framework; working experience of Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic 2008, and ADO.NET 3.5.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Managing ADO.NET Connections and Commands with VB 2008
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Getting Started with DataSets using Visual Basic 2008
ADO.NET DataSet objects allow developers to utilize cached versions of data when working within disconnected data environments. This course examines the various aspects of DataSets and their role as one of the key components of the ADO.NET architecture. Specific topics covered include creating DataSets with Visual Basic 2008, working with typed and untyped DataSets, and configuring typed DataSets and DataAdapters. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561. Passing this exam will earn the learner credit towards the MCTS: .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Applications certification.
Target Audience
All organizations or individual consultants who are building or intend to build .NET Framework 3.5 applications with ADO.NET, Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Basic 2008; corporate employees, consultants, and university or college students who are preparing for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561.
Thorough knowledge of software-development concepts and the process of building business applications; experience building data applications with the Microsoft .NET Framework; working experience of Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic 2008, and ADO.NET 3.5.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Getting Started with DataSets using Visual Basic 2008
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Viewing and Navigating Data with ADO.NET DataSets using Visual Basic 2008
The ability to view and navigate data in an efficient fashion is vital to any robust data application. This course explains how to accomplish this using ADO.NET DataSets and Visual Basic 2008. Specific topics covered include how to manage and constrain data relationships in a DataSet using DataRelation objects and ForeignKeyConstraints, and accessing and manipulating data using DataViews and the DataViewManager. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561. Passing this exam will earn the learner credit towards the MCTS: .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Applications certification.
Target Audience
All organizations or individual consultants who are building or intend to build .NET Framework 3.5 applications with ADO.NET, Visual Studio 2008, and Visual Basic 2008; corporate employees, consultants, and university or college students who are preparing for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561.
Thorough knowledge of software-development concepts and the process of building business applications; experience building data applications with the Microsoft .NET Framework; working experience of Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic 2008, and ADO.NET 3.5.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Viewing and Navigating Data with ADO.NET DataSets using Visual Basic 2008
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Updating ADO.NET DataSets With Visual Basic 2008
ADO.NET DataSets allow developers to easily update and manage data sources using Visual Basic 2008. This course examines how DataSets are used to update source data and also how to manage the integrity of the data being updated. Specific topics covered include updating data sources, committing changes to data sources, managing data integrity, and how to deal with data concurrency violations and exceptions. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561. Passing this exam will earn the learner credit towards the MCTS: .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Applications certification.
Target Audience
All organizations or individual consultants who are building or intend to build .NET Framework 3.5 applications with ADO.NET, Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Basic 2008; corporate employees, consultants, and university or college students who are preparing for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561.
Thorough knowledge of software-development concepts and the process of building business applications; experience building data applications with the Microsoft .NET Framework; working experience of Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic 2008, and ADO.NET 3.5.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Updating ADO.NET DataSets With Visual Basic 2008
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Using Query Notifications and Synchronizing Data with Visual Basic 2008
Query notifications, coupled with ADO.NET synchronization services, allow developers to create applications with the ability to display up-to-date data at all times. This course examines how to use query notifications with SQL Server and how to enable efficient, remote use of data using synchronization services. Specific topics covered include using query notifications, and SqlDependency and SqlCacheDependency. Topics also look at the various aspects of synchronizing data, including creating a synchronization services application and configuring synchronization in Visual Studio. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561. Passing this exam will earn the learner credit towards the MCTS: .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Applications certification.
Target Audience
All organizations or individual consultants who are building or intend to build .NET Framework 3.5 applications with ADO.NET, Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Basic 2008; corporate employees, consultants, and university or college students who are preparing for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561.
Thorough knowledge of software-development concepts and the process of building business applications; experience building data applications with the Microsoft .NET Framework; working experience of Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic 2008, and ADO.NET 3.5.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Using Query Notifications and Synchronizing Data with Visual Basic 2008
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The ADO.NET Entity Framework and LINQ
The ADO.NET Entity Framework and .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) provide developers with the tools and framework elements they need to create unique, flexible data applications, while minimizing the amount of code required. This course explores the various ways you can employ the ADO.NET Entity Framework and LINQ to develop and optimize data applications. Specific topics covered include the ADO.NET Entity Framework, ADO.NET Object Services, the EntityClient Provider and Connection Strings, and the using LINQ and ADO.NET 3.5. This course is one of a series in the SkillSoft learning path that covers the objectives for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561. Passing this exam will earn the learner credit towards the MCTS: .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Applications certification.
Target Audience
All organizations or individual consultants who are building or intend to build .NET Framework 3.5 applications with ADO.NET, Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Basic 2008; corporate employees, consultants, and university or college students who are preparing for the Technology Specialist (TS): Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ADO.NET Application Development 70-561.
Thorough knowledge of software-development concepts and the process of building business applications; experience building data applications with the Microsoft .NET Framework; working experience of Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic 2008, and ADO.NET 3.5.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
The ADO.NET Entity Framework and LINQ
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Exam 70-536: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework Application Development Foundation Curriculum Outline
Visual Basic: System Types and Collections
Visual Basic is one of the core languages used by programmers for software development in Visual Studio. This course primarily serves as an introduction to new Collections and System Types. This course also covers enumerators, and new interfaces, specifically the Generic Interface.
Target Audience
Employees, Consultants, and Students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536).
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Visual Basic: System Types and Collections
Course Number:
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Visual Basic: Serialization and I/O
There are many new features for Visual Basic. This course looks at Serialization and I/O functions for .NET Framework, specifically the new classes that implement these functions. This course also covers XML Serialization and Isolated Storage.
Target Audience
Employees, Consultants, and Students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536).
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Visual Basic: Serialization and I/O
Course Number:
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Visual Basic: Customized Programming
Visual Basic offers flexibility to the programmer in many new ways in the latest installment of Visual Studio. This course focuses on customized programming such as Interoperability, Reflection, new Drawing Classes for graphics, and Globalization.
Target Audience
Employees, Consultants, and Students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536).
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Visual Basic: Customized Programming
Course Number:
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Visual Basic: Security
Visual Studio adds to the Security namespace to make your Visual Basic programs even more secure and easier to implement.This course is designed to familiarize students with VB Security which includes Code Access Security, IIS security, and Cryptography which includes instructions for symmetric and asymmetric cryptography with hash functions.
Target Audience
Employees, Consultants, and Students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536).
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Visual Basic: Security
Course Number:
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Visual Basic: Threading, Service Processing, and Application Domains
This course covers how to implement Threading, and Service Processing in Visual Basic. Additionally, this course covers configuring and managing application domains.
Target Audience
Employees, Consultants, and Students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536).
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Visual Basic: Threading, Service Processing, and Application Domains
Course Number:
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Visual Basic: Diagnostics and Management
Configuration and Process Management can be among the most complex tasks a programmer can undertake. This course aids the student in familiarizing themselves with the tools in Visual Basic to accomplish this.
Target Audience
Employees, Consultants, and Students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536).
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Visual Basic: Diagnostics and Management
Course Number:
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C# 2005: System Types and Collections
To use types, classes, interfaces, iterators, and generics to create data-driven applications
Employees, consultants, and students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536)
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
C# 2005: System Types and Collections
Course Number:
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C# 2005: Serialization and I/O
To serialize and deserialize objects for storage and manipulation, use I/O classes to manage data streams and files, and analyze how application performance can be enhanced using serialization and I/O
Employees, consultants, and students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536)
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
C# 2005: Serialization and I/O
Course Number:
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C# 2005: Customized Programming
To enable compatibility between COM and C# 2005, use reflection to call classes and data types, and customize a C# 2005 application for graphics, text, globalization, and e-mail
Employees, consultants, and students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536)
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
C# 2005: Customized Programming
Course Number:
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C# 2005: Security
To recognize the different types of security supported by C# 2005 and how they work, and to use them in application development
Employees, consultants, and students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536)
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
C# 2005: Security
Course Number:
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C# 2005: Threading, Service Processing, and Application Domains
To recognize how threading, service processing, and application domains facilitate background system operations, and to implement them in Visual Basic applications
Employees, consultants, and students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536)
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
C# 2005: Threading, Service Processing, and Application Domains
Course Number:
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C# 2005: Diagnostics and Management
To manage application configuration and the custom installation of components, event logs, system processes and information, and use debugging and tracing to measure application performance
Employees, consultants, and students that are preparing for the Technology Specialist: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation Certification Exam (70-536)
Familiarity with concepts and architecture of software development and business applications; development experience in an object-oriented programming language preferable
C# 2005: Diagnostics and Management
Course Number:
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Mentoring 70-536 VB - TS: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation
SkillSoft Mentors are available to help students with their studies for exam 70-536 VB - TS: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation. You can reach them by entering a Mentored Chat Room or by using the E-mail My Mentor service.
Target Audience
Individuals who are studying the associated SkillSoft content in preparation for, or to become familiar with, the skills and competencies being measured by the actual certification exam.
Familiarity with the exam objectives listed below and skills and competencies being measured in the associated certification exam.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
Mentoring 70-536 VB - TS: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation
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TestPrep 70-536 VB - TS: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation
To test your knowledge on the skills and competencies being measured by the vendor certification exam. TestPrep can be taken in either Study or Certification mode. Study mode is designed to maximize learning by not only testing your knowledge of the material, but also by providing additional information on the topics presented. Certification mode is designed to test your knowledge of the material within a structured testing environment, providing valuable feedback at the end of the test.
Target Audience
Individuals seeking practice in a structured testing environment, covering the skills and competencies being measured by the vendor certification exam.
The associated SkillSoft certification content should be completed before attempting this TestPrep. This will maximize the effectiveness of the preparation exam.
Expected Duration (hours)
Lesson Objectives
TestPrep 70-536 VB - TS: Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation
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Microsoft MCTS .NET Framework 3.5 ADO .NET Applications
Developers who earn the MCTS: .NET Framework 3.5 Distributed Applications certifications have demonstrated skills in
developing the data-access parts of applications using Visual Studio and the .NET Framework 3.5. Technology Specialists
typically pursue careers as Web Developers, or .NET Developers. The MCTS: .NET Framework 3.5 ADO.NET Applications
certification is perfect for web developers looking to advance their skills or validate their current ones.

Benefits of CBT Direct’s Online Microsoft MCTS Certification Training
CBT Direct boasts the most beneficial online certification training on the market. With online training, you have the flexibility to study on your schedule, and with the speed and reliability of the internet, CBT Direct’s Microsoft MCTS training course is accessible anywhere you have an internet connection. Convenience finally costs less with CBT Direct – the most affordable online training solution today. CBT Direct is also a Microsoft Certified Partner.
The unique design of CBT Direct’s Microsoft MCTS certification course incorporates a proven four-step learning process: presentation, demonstration, guidance and independent practice. This four-step proven learning model for CBT Direct’s Microsoft MCTS training course ensures the greatest level of retention to prepare you for your Microsoft MCTS certification exam.
CBT Direct also offers online mentoring for over 100 current major certification exams, including Microsoft MCTS, for IT
professionals and end-users alike. CBT Direct’s mentors have a minimum of 20 certifications each and are available 24/7*.
* Available for most courses.
Who Benefits from CBT Direct’s Microsoft MCTS Training?
This training would be beneficial for individuals looking for IT job positions such as Web Developers and .NET Developers and other developers of interactive, web-based solutions who wish to be certified.
What Professionals Will Learn from CBT Direct’s Microsoft
MCTS Training
Candidates who want to earn this certification must pass two exams: one that focuses on Microsoft .NET Framework foundational skills and one that focuses on Windows-based client development.
Exam 70-536: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework Application Development Foundation
This training course will teach you the use of types, collections, generics, and regular expressions to manage data, develop
services, application domains, and multithreaded applications. You will also learn how to implement code access and role-based
security, and data encryption as well as, work with serialization and reflection techniques. Develop instrument applications
with logging and tracing and interact with legacy code using COM Interop and PInvoke. Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
Exam 70-561: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 – Application Development
This online training course provides students with the knowledge to: connect to data sources, query and retrieve data; manage
data integrity and transactions; and use LINQ to query data across types, including XML. The training will teach you how to
work with DataSets, synchronize data, generate an EDM using the Entity Framework and use ADO.NET Data Services for Internet
Click here to see a detailed curriculum outline.
The chart below indicates what mentoring services are available.
(9-5 EST)
70-536 | Microsoft MCTS: Microsoft .NET Framework Application Development Foundation | ü | ü | |
70-561 | Microsoft MCTS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Application Development | ü |
Chart definitions:
Live Chat available 24x7.
Email My Mentor included with a guaranteed 6 hour response time.
Daily E-mail with select courses; requires student activation.
Test Prep if available.
Live Chat available 9-5 EST M-F.
Email My Mentor included with a guaranteed 6 hour response time between 9-5 EST M-F,
otherwise within 24 hours.
Daily E-mail with select courses; requires student activation.
Test Prep if available.
Tier 3
No live chat.
Email Support with a guaranteed 24 hour response time.
Daily E-mail with select courses; requires student activation.
Test Prep if available.
Click to see a detailed description of the mentoring services.
Click on the link(s) to view curriculum outline.
Exam 70-561: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 - Application Development